2021- Director
Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research
2019-2021 Founding Co-Director
PRiME – Precision Medicine Strategic Initiative at the University of Toronto
July 2017- Professor
Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department of Biochemistry
University of Toronto
2015-2021 Associate Dean of Research
Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy
2012-2017 Associate Professor
Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department of Biochemistry
University of Toronto
2013-2015 Graduate Coordinator
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy
2007-2017 Canada Research Chair
Functional Architecture of Signal Transduction
2006-2012 Assistant Professor
Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department of Biochemistry
University of Toronto
2002-2006 Post-doctoral Fellow
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
University of Washington, Seattle
Supervisor: Dr. Randall T. Moon
1998-2002 Ph.D, Biochemistry,
Université de Montréal, Montréal, Qc
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Michel Bouvier
1993- 1997 B. Sc. Biochemistry
McGill University, Montréal, Qc
Dr. Angers is an expert in the field of signal transduction. He obtained his Ph.D from the Université de Montréal in 2002 under the guidance of Dr. Michel Bouvier. His thesis work led to the development and application of light energy transfer methodology for the study of protein-protein interaction and signal transduction. From 2002-2006 he was a Howard Hughes Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Washington in Seattle under the supervision of Dr. Randall T. Moon, where he identified and characterized novel components of the Wnt signalling pathway and a new class of E3 ubiquitin ligases.
In October 2006, Dr. Angers established his independent research program in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Faculty of Pharmacy and in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Toronto. He is the recipient of the Canada Research Chair in Functional Architecture of Signal Transduction. His research program is developed to understand the signalling mechanisms underlying the Wnt and Hedgehog families of growth factors and their signalling mechanisms in development, adult tissue homeostasis and in human diseases. His pioneer work led to the development of novel antibody molecules blocking and activating the Wnt pathway for the treatment of cancers and regenerative medicine applications. Restoret is a drug advancing to clinical trials for eye diseases that is based on this work. He is the scientific founder of AntlerA Therapeutics (www.antlera.com) that is pursuing the clinical development of these molecules.
In September 2021 Dr. Angers was named Director of the Donnelly Centre of Cellular and Biomolecular Research at the University of Toronto, an internationally recognized Research Institute bringing together multidisciplinary teams of scientists.